Thursday, October 28, 2010

Upcoming DVDs web site lists Ryan O'Quinn movies available

Ryan has appeared in and provided voice over for numerous feature films. UpcomingDVDs announced this week that the following titles are some that are currently available:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ryan in "The Wild" this weekend in Hollywood

"The WILD has formed into a full fledged whirlwind of talent."

The Final Cast list is Darrin Yalacki, Jessica Young, Scarlett Jung, John Abbott, Jeff Hawkins, Canon Wing and Ryan O'Quinn.

THE WILD is an experimental Improv Group that is never the same twice! Here's how it works. Comedian Canon Wing asks someone I'm WILD about to play then they ask someone they're wild about playing with and we go round and round until we have seven players.

Next show:
Saturday, October 2 · 9:00pm - 10:30pm
iO West 
6366 Hollywood Blvd.
The Loft Theatre