Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hear Ryan growl, moan and grunt on TV this weekend.

Ryan O'Quinn can be heard this weekend on the SyFy Network.
The US TV schedule is below:

Sat. Dec. 262:30 PMSYFY
Sat. Dec. 2611:30 PMSYFY

In the feature film "Autopsy" (from the producers of "Final Destination") Ryan voices various zombies and creatures in the film. The story revolves around a young woman tries to find her injured boyfriend in a bizzare and dangerous hospital.

Friday, December 18, 2009

VAN releases music video for the holidays

The comedy production team Very Angry Neighbors went beyond their usual zaniness to release a holiday music video.

The video features a poor, winged buffalo who is continually being shot out of the sky as Ryan O'Quinn, Jeff Cannata, AmyJo Steele and Danielle Weeks sing nonsensical lyrics praising the spirit of the buffalo.

The video features outrageous special effects and green screen tricks to fly, sing on mountaintops and get licked by a giant tongue!

Visit video link HERE